Through a loving and encouraging environment we strive to support our youth so that they can be actively engaged in their own faith, Our goal is to provide the students with every tool to enrich their faith, trust, heart, and minds in God.

Youth Bible Hands
Sunday School

We gather together in The Well at 10:45 a.m.. for light snacks and fellowship. We then move into middle school and high school groups for class which wraps up around 11:45 a.m.

Small Groups

During the school year, we offer gatherings on various evenings. Contact the church for more information.

The Well
Where is "The Well"?

The Well is located on the bottom floor of the Education Wing, the building across the Drive-thru from the Main Entrance. If you take the elevator in that wing to the lower level, The Well is located to the left. It features a couch room for classes, a space for our youth worship band, and a gameroom.

Stay In Touch

If you're interested in getting involved with our ministry or want updates on any upcoming youth events, contact the church at or sign up for Youth Ministry Updates.

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