One of our Core Values is to be missional both at home and overseas. "We love to serve our community as our response to Jesus' love for us."

Easter Sunday at the Mt. Lebanon United Presbyterian Church. copyright  2012 Easter Sunday at the Mt. Lebanon United Presbyterian Church. copyright  2012

We believe in the power of prayer, and we have many members committed to lifting up the concerns of those who share their prayer requests with us. Please feel free to email your prayer concerns to us at and we would be honored to pray on your behalf.

A group of us gather on Zoom every Sunday at 7pm to pray together, and we would love to have you join us!
Please use this link: for a computer, tablet, or smart phone. You can also call in from a regular phone – dial 1-646-558-8656 and enter the Meeting ID: 925 6196 4416 and the password: 798565. For more info, contact Pat Gaudio at

On the FIRST SUNDAY of every month we meet in person in The Chapel at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to join us in this time of prayer.

Deacon Image
The Deacon Board

Deacons offers a ministry of compassion, care, and service to share the love of Jesus Christ. As elected leaders, they serve a three year term in various programs that reach our members, visitors, and the community.

Food Pantry

MLEPC members volunteer at the Brookline Boulevard Food Pantry on the second Saturday of each month. You can also help anytime by bringing non-perishable food items to the collection box located in the drive-thru lobby.

If you would like to help with this ministry please contact Allyson McDermott at for more information.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are commissioned lay persons who have been trained and are supervised to share Christ's healing love in a one-on-one confidential relationship with those facing a crisis or experiencing difficult times. To learn more about Stephen Ministries, CLICK HERE.

If you would like to receive the support of a Stephen Minister or if you know someone who could benefit from this program, please contact Marcia Pratt: or Joyce Hannan-Story:

Caden and Kids (2)

We love the people of East Kano Kenya, and have enjoyed working with Pastor Job and Pastor Hudson over the years, as they minister to the physical and spiritual needs of their people. To learn more, contact Chris Casturo:

The “Mission:Kenya” link below gives an overview.

Connections Logo
Connections - An Outreach to our Communities

Connections offers opportunities for individuals, small groups, and families to partner with organizations that are doing good work in our community. It allows us to deepen our relationships with one another working hand in hand, sharing the love of Christ with our neighbors.

You will have the chance to help us partner with local non-profits with a mission to help others. Some local groups you can be a part of:

  • Light of Life Rescue Mission
  • Living Stones
  • PRISM (Pittsburgh Region International Student Ministries)

We are working on partnering with more groups, so stay tuned! Check back often as we update this information. For information on how to volunteer for any of these ministries, contact: Heather Casturo - or Lea Ann Ostergaard -