Our Denomination - The EPC
MLEPC joined the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) in December 2012. The EPC is a denomination
(1) PRESBYTERIAN in their organizational structure
(2) REFORMED in their beliefs and
(3) EVANGELICAL in their spirit and purpose.
"PRESBYTERIAN" means "rule by elder" according to the pattern seen in the Old and New Testaments. Spiritually mature elders are elected by the congregation and rule the church along with the ministers.
To be "REFORMED" means that we trace our roots to the Reformation, when John Calvin and others led the movement to reform the church according to Scripture.
To be "EVANGELICAL" means to believe in the importance of sharing the good news that through Jesus Christ the kingdom of God has been inaugurated, freeing people from the guilt and power of sin through personal faith and repentance.
For more information visit The EPC website.