The congregation and community have a variety of options to explore and grow together in faith and friendship, from Sunday school classes and small groups, Sunday Fellowship time, seasonal programming, and special events … there’s something for everyone.

Men's Ministry

We have a vibrant group of men seeking to grow in faith and relationship with one another, as well as engage in ministry to support others in the church and community. Please feel free to email to get involved, ask questions or offer suggestions.

Men's  Small Groups
Groups meet weekly for reflection and discussion of the current Sermon/Small Group Study Series. For more information about small groups, contact Kevin Hambleton -

Special Events
We look forward to hosting several seasonal events each year. We'll post the details as they become available.

Reveille Men's Breakfast
The quarterly event features a delicious breakfast, uplifting music and an inspiring message. Find out more at or by calling Bob Jamison at 412-561-2124 or

Senior Men's Group

This group of senior adult men meets for Bible study at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday mornings and then moves on to attend to various projects around the church. If you would like to be a part of this group, contact Dave Fahringer -

Women's Ministry

Our mission is to reach the women of MLEPC and beyond, encouraging their Christian growth through study, fellowship, and service.

Women's Events
We host or sponsor events throughout the year to enjoy time together and share God's love with others. Details will be announced in the Sunday announcements and through emails.

Sunday School - Ongoing Sunday Mornings at 10:45 am.

Visit the Women's Ministry Facebook Page:

Women's Ministry on Facebook

Senior couple in park
Senior Adult Ministry

Our senior adult ministry attends to the physical, spiritual, and social needs of our congregation. With social activities, weekly mailings, phone calls and homebound visits we seek to keep those 6o and older connected and cared for within our church family.

For more information, contact Rev. Cinda Isler @ or 412-531-3387, x 207 or Laura Duffy: or 412-531-3387, x210

Group discussion 3-15-14
Classes and Study Groups

Adult Sunday School Classes ~ 10:45 a.m.
The following classes for adults meet in various parts of our building on Sunday mornings following the worship service. Options include:

  • Lamplighter Adult Sunday School ~ They meet in the City View Room on the 3rd floor. They have weekly teachers speaking on various topics throughout the year.
  • Women's Sunday School Class ~ Topics vary through the year. They follow the sermon series or they choose a timely or related theme to discuss. They meet in the Parlor to the right of the front of the sanctuary.
  • Men's Small Group ~ This group of men of all ages meets in the Library Room off of the MacDonald Room after the worship service. They follow the sermon series.
  • All Welcome Group ~ This group is for anyone who may not know where to start and they welcome all persons no matter their stage in life. They follow the sermon series. They meet in Conference Room F101 off of the drive-thru lobby.
  • Intentional Parenting Group ~ If you are a parent of any age, married or single, come find out if this group is for you. They have their own series on parenting that they follow. They meet in the MacDonald Room below the Sanctuary.

Small Groups for Sermon/Study Series
There are many Small Groups meeting throughout the week, using the Study Guide coordinated with the current Sermon Series. To learn more and get involved, contact Kevin Hambelton: